Samstag, 1. März 2014

6 mois

oh my god...I can't believe that 6 months are already over!
On one side, I feel like I've been here already for such a long...I have the luck to have met so nice people that I have the feeling to be knowing them since ages...but on the other side, they make the time go by soo fast that I am afraid of not having enough time.
The last two weeks where the best weeks ever :) Everything went so good...I always had something to do, I had sooo much fun in everything and to top all that (allthough I acutally thought it wouldn't be possible) my grandparents, my oncle and my cousine came over to chamonix to go skiing for 3 days :)) I have to say that it still is quite a long time, 10 months, without your family...eventhough I got really close to alot of people's not the same :)
It was cool for me to kind of order everything in the restaurants for makes you kind of proud to notice that it really made sense the last 6 months :))
But it made me also notice that it will be very hard to say goodbye in 4 months... I mean I really have a life here by now :))
It made me realise that I really have to use every single day that I have over here :))

xoxo, Klara

PS.: for now I am on vacation for 2 weeks :))

Sonntag, 9. Februar 2014

Daily life and soirée :P

As you noticed guys, I'm not writing alot by now. It's just that by now there are alot of things that are not new anymore... I got used to the late dinners and the small breakfasts and I got a rythme in my weeks it wouldn't really be as interresting :)
I still love the basketball over everything's not even that it's just the's just every thing around it... The trainings, the games and the most important the people.
I was invited to a 18th birthday on friday. It wasn't party party it was just a really relaxed evening and everyone was in such a good mood :) I am so happy that I could be there and that I found sooo nice people over here :)
I also noticed how much I understand by now...I mean it was pretty loud and I understood like everything. I also feel really comfortable by now, with talking :)

So all in all everything's going perfect :)))

Xoxo, Klara

Sonntag, 12. Januar 2014

5 mois :)

I don't really know where to start....I think first of all...SORRY :P O have had a reeeaaally good last month and I always had something to I kind of put my blog a bit on the bottom of my list...and I also have some problems with my computer so there will sadly be no photos...but I hope you guys understand that just a tiny little bit.
So yes, new years eve came sooo fast after all These eating on Christmas...but since there was nearly a week between, we had the time to go skiing 2 times :) I was soooo happy, because we were like waiting for the snow practically 1 month :P
Since I normally go skiing in autrich, I found some Points, like the weather or the waiting to finally get on to the lifts, which are just exact the same...but also some things that where a bit different:
the snow, in oppinion was a bit better, well more soft than in autrich. But the lifts are less comfortable over here then it kind of compensates the two regions :)
I also have waay more stress at school by now...I still don't know in.which language to learn for a test and that just enoys me :P but all in all I'm feeling pretty comfortable by now...I also have my exposition on friday in history...I'll be sooo stress and nervous :P
We have got quite a long period of school right now. We had already 4 weeks and now there still 4 to go...but the last week my cousin, my uncle and my grandparents are coming to visite me to go skiing on.charmonix :)) I am sooo happy about that :P
I still looooove the's just incredible to have chance to be part of such an awsome groupe of people...I can't even explaine it :)
There is just always something to laugh about with them :*
I am just a bit scared that the time goes by too fast...I have already done half of it and I don't want to go by so fast :(((
But it just gives me the reason to really do something out of every day I have over here...because if not... I will regret it afterwards :)

À très bientôt
Xoxo, Klara

Sonntag, 29. Dezember 2013

4 mois :)

Bon soir,
so 4 months here and at the Moment it feels like such a Long time already...but not at all negative :))
I really understand alot by now, and I am very happy about that...I even had my first dream in French this month :) It's an awsome Feeling, to finally be able to really talk to People and I made the experience that, if you can't talk with someone, you can only Show half of your personality...I don't want to say, not at all...but being able to express yourself makes alot different and only with this you can Show your way of thinking, and that makes alot of our personality, I think.
I also think, that I made some really Close friendships by now, which hopefully last a Long time :)

xoxo, Klara

Donnerstag, 26. Dezember 2013

Noel :)

so Christmas is over, even though it doesn't really feel like that, because there is still a bunch of stuff left to eat :P

Last Weekend I had some really nice 3 days with the lovely People from Basketball. It was a competition of the Teams which are called "les séléctions". These are the Teams, where out of each Region the 12 best Players Play in one Team. It takes place every year and this year it was in the Gymnasium of our Club, so we, as members of the Club, had to do the Service and take care of the music in the breaks and stuff like that :)) But I really had alot of fun, especially for the last match, where "Isere" played against "Haut-Savoir" (my Region) was a really nice atmosphere :)

And of cours I want to tell some stuff about Christmas :P
So to make it short, the word Christmas, or better in French Noel, can be translated simply with FOOOOOOOD :P and I am really serious there...Noel is all about eating, eating and eating....ok in the middle of all that, are some presents...but afterwards you eat again :P
Here you can see a bit of what I mean:

This was our nice table decoration of the 24th :)
The shoe is made of chocolate...

Some Froggs?
And yes, they eat them for real...and they are really nice :) Tast like chicken :P


 And maybe also some snales and oysters? :P
I liked the snales, but I have to say, that they actually taste like nothing, it's just the garlic butter :))
An oysters: I can still not get used to them...:P


 Last but not at all least: The Desserts :P

This one is Special for my Region. It's some Kind of Little cakes filled with Marmelade :)) Sooo good :)


Iles flotantes :)) Just awsome These things :)


One bûche home made :)) (it's this rolled cake)
This one with alooot of chocolate...

...and this one bought and with fruits :))

But they where both really nice :)


So yes, we ate too much...but of course just the best stuff :)
I got some really cute presents and I was soo pleased that my Family apriciated the presents, extra sent from Germany :P

So tomorrow we are heading of to skiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii! I am soooo reaaaally really really happy!
So I will go to bed now, so I am fit for tomorrow :)

xoxo, Klara