Samstag, 1. März 2014

6 mois

oh my god...I can't believe that 6 months are already over!
On one side, I feel like I've been here already for such a long...I have the luck to have met so nice people that I have the feeling to be knowing them since ages...but on the other side, they make the time go by soo fast that I am afraid of not having enough time.
The last two weeks where the best weeks ever :) Everything went so good...I always had something to do, I had sooo much fun in everything and to top all that (allthough I acutally thought it wouldn't be possible) my grandparents, my oncle and my cousine came over to chamonix to go skiing for 3 days :)) I have to say that it still is quite a long time, 10 months, without your family...eventhough I got really close to alot of people's not the same :)
It was cool for me to kind of order everything in the restaurants for makes you kind of proud to notice that it really made sense the last 6 months :))
But it made me also notice that it will be very hard to say goodbye in 4 months... I mean I really have a life here by now :))
It made me realise that I really have to use every single day that I have over here :))

xoxo, Klara

PS.: for now I am on vacation for 2 weeks :))

Sonntag, 9. Februar 2014

Daily life and soirée :P

As you noticed guys, I'm not writing alot by now. It's just that by now there are alot of things that are not new anymore... I got used to the late dinners and the small breakfasts and I got a rythme in my weeks it wouldn't really be as interresting :)
I still love the basketball over everything's not even that it's just the's just every thing around it... The trainings, the games and the most important the people.
I was invited to a 18th birthday on friday. It wasn't party party it was just a really relaxed evening and everyone was in such a good mood :) I am so happy that I could be there and that I found sooo nice people over here :)
I also noticed how much I understand by now...I mean it was pretty loud and I understood like everything. I also feel really comfortable by now, with talking :)

So all in all everything's going perfect :)))

Xoxo, Klara

Sonntag, 12. Januar 2014

5 mois :)

I don't really know where to start....I think first of all...SORRY :P O have had a reeeaaally good last month and I always had something to I kind of put my blog a bit on the bottom of my list...and I also have some problems with my computer so there will sadly be no photos...but I hope you guys understand that just a tiny little bit.
So yes, new years eve came sooo fast after all These eating on Christmas...but since there was nearly a week between, we had the time to go skiing 2 times :) I was soooo happy, because we were like waiting for the snow practically 1 month :P
Since I normally go skiing in autrich, I found some Points, like the weather or the waiting to finally get on to the lifts, which are just exact the same...but also some things that where a bit different:
the snow, in oppinion was a bit better, well more soft than in autrich. But the lifts are less comfortable over here then it kind of compensates the two regions :)
I also have waay more stress at school by now...I still don't know in.which language to learn for a test and that just enoys me :P but all in all I'm feeling pretty comfortable by now...I also have my exposition on friday in history...I'll be sooo stress and nervous :P
We have got quite a long period of school right now. We had already 4 weeks and now there still 4 to go...but the last week my cousin, my uncle and my grandparents are coming to visite me to go skiing on.charmonix :)) I am sooo happy about that :P
I still looooove the's just incredible to have chance to be part of such an awsome groupe of people...I can't even explaine it :)
There is just always something to laugh about with them :*
I am just a bit scared that the time goes by too fast...I have already done half of it and I don't want to go by so fast :(((
But it just gives me the reason to really do something out of every day I have over here...because if not... I will regret it afterwards :)

À très bientôt
Xoxo, Klara