Freitag, 29. November 2013

3 mois :)))

Bon soir,
so as you can read by the headline, with today, it makes exactly 3 months that I am here in france. It is incredible how much I have learned already. Not just my language improved sooo much, but also about people, ways of thinking and operating, with different situations.
I have to say, that I can defend myself against some judgements about my accent or my nationality by now...not that I have any major problems with that, but there are still one to two people, how say things that could hurt others quite alot. There you have to know, that I already know, that the people who say things like this, have now idea what's going on in my mind and my life and I have to say, might also be a little bit jealous. So I don't really care, but there are others, who get really hurt with this.
Another thing to say is, that there are some exchange stundents already leaving now...but I feel like, my life here ist just about to start, and I can understand everything now, but with the speeking, I have still quite alot of problems. So I would be pretty sad, having to leave already...but luckily I have still have 7 awsome moths to go :))

xoxo, Klara

Montag, 25. November 2013

Soirée du Basket et la Neige

Bon soir,
so once again a'll be often like this now :)
I had just too much to do for school yesterday evening, because we had a test in maths today (well ca va :P) and I had a pretty cool weekend, with not much time for school stuff :))
But let's start with last week...
Well we had quite alot of snow. It was sooo great, even though it didn't rest all day long, but still. The noices the snow makes, while walking to the busstop in the morning...those little drunchy noices...I just love them :)

We also wrote a test in science and I started learning one evening bevor, because I didn't know it, but I thought I got everything pretty well...but no! There was nothing, absolutly nothing asked in the test that I had learnd! Kacka!
Buuuuuuuut, I will hopefully be going on a classtrip. It is sooooo cool, because actually, everyone says that in france it's not so often to be going on a class trip, and I am so lucky to be having the chance...And when I heard this, I thought it couldn't come better, but it's going to Irland, to Dublin :))) It's sooo cool, and I hope reeaaally hope the teacher get's to organize this :))
So now, we can come to my amazing weekend :)) Of course I had basketball training on friday evening, with the lovely girsl :) On saturday, like always, tennis in the morning...but that is soooo cold. They don't have a gym, so we play outside, with -2°C it's already unbelievable cold...but imagine, I will be playing with up to -20°C!!! Don't know how I am gonna survive that, because if I wear too much, I will not be able to move...
Anyways, in the afternoon we got some skistuff for everyone, because it's gonna start soon :))
And in the evening we went to the Soirée du Basket. We ate fondu and I really enjoyed being there with all these incredible nice people. They were really all sooo nice, and I love people who don't have any prejudices...they are all like a big family...really nice to see this :))
After that, I slept at Johannas, because my hostparents went earlier than me, but I really wanted to stay :))
With this evening, I noticed again how much I understand now. I talked about alot of stuff with Johanna and I could really understand every single word she said... it makes me feel really comfortable :)

Let's see what the next week brings me :))
xoxo, Klara

Sonntag, 17. November 2013

Amazing Sunsets :)

Bonjour tout le monde,
since I don't have anything else to do, I thought I'd write my Sunday-Post a bit earlier today. I have not been up to much. This week was a bit wired, and I was really tired and confused. But let's start from the beginning...
Since we had no school on monday, the whole week was already mixed up and acutally shorter than normal, but it seemed really long. On wednesday, where I normally only have until 11:40 o'clock, I had undtil 16:30pm. This had something to do with our holidays. So we had the thursday morning classes also wednesday afternoon. French system :P
And in cause of this, the gymansium, where we normally have basketballtraining wednesday evening, wasn't open. So we had this training tuesday evening, with the guys...was pretty fun, even though I hate sweating in front of the other sex :P ...but this was also a thing that got me confused.
In math, I don't get anything at the moment...the teacher is really mean to the ES people...she let's out steps, so I can't understand it....and yes...not cool.
The weather is getting really cold here, and I bought my suuuuper cool new skiclothings :)) they are just awsome, I love them. So the skiing-season can come, then you will also get to see some photos.
I really hope to be able to do something nice the next few weekends, and not just being at home...

So now I just have some pretty photos for you, that I took last week, because the sunsets were really nice :)

I find, that they look as if they are burning...and they are not edited :P

xoxo, Klara 

Montag, 11. November 2013

Starting to take my own notes :)

so the first week after the holidays is already over and today is public holiday, because of the end of the 1st. World War ...but actually for us, it just means no school :P
After I reaturned from the holidays, I was really astonished how much I understand now. I have no idea why, but I really noticed it. And therefor, I am sometimesngetting asked in class now, which really stresses me. I kind of sit pretty frontish in class, so I am happy that I can't see how alot of people look at me, but I can liturally feel it in my back. It's really not a confortable feeling. Sometimes I can answer, but if I like mix up words like ballon (ball) and ball (gun), than everyone laughs. I now that they don't mean it mean, but it really stresses.
But I have really cool news, I have 12,5 points in maths and sometimes, when the teachers dictate something, I can take my own notes and just correct the accents over the Es and As...because that is just crazy, I never get it wright, which one to use :P
So let's come to the weather: it's getting really cold here, although the sun is shining still pretty often. But I am really annoyed now by the long school days, I mean I mostly have only until 4pm, but for example my hostbrother has nearly everyday until 6pm. And so we go to school when it's dark, and we come home when it's dark. Not so cool. But the skiing season is coming closer and closer, and so I found these really cool skiclothings, not cheap, but I wonna use them a long time, therefor I think it's ok :)
And to talk about all that chocolate I got to my birthday, I even got more afterwards, because some packets came a bit later... guys...I am getting fatt :P (2 kg, in 2 month...that means 10 kg, in 10 month! Send me some almased :P )
BUT, I am doing way more sport here, and with this, I can tell you, I had my first basketball game yesterday and we won. I wasn't in often, but astimated 15 min. :)) (made 5 points :P ) but it's just alot of fun, with these girls, who are just awsome.
So tomorrow school again, and I got a bit of homework to do :(

A bientôt
xoxo, Klara

Sonntag, 3. November 2013

End of the holidays :()

so this is the end of the holidays and tomorrow it's back to school... I am pretty happy about that because like this it's not so boring anymore... even though I have to say that the last week was pretty nice because we actually did something :PP

On monday I went to Louana and we made this creative we watched movies and did DIYs (do-it-yourselfs). The family was really nice and they were not so typical they ate like around about 6 or 7 pm and not like 8 or 9isch...

On wednesday was my birhtday and I wanted to say thankyou to everyone who thought of on that day again... I got soooo much stuff....way to nice :PP
We also drove to the parents of my hostdad and they were also sooo nice to me...the mum made a little cake for me and that was jsut soo cute :))

We visited alot of castles and we had amazing weather, a part from friday :P 

We also visited the house of Leonardo da Vinci, where he lived around about 2 years and you could see all the invetions he had in his mind and drew, but didn#t have the material in that time. 

And now I hope everyone can watch the video, if no, I am really sorry :)

Tomorrow school and in 6 weeks already the next holidays :P

A bientot
xoxo, Klara