Montag, 28. Oktober 2013


Cou cou,
I am so sorry guys, but I forgot to write my sunday post again... so it's turned into a monday-post :P

Okay, where to start?!
First of all the, the first week of the holidays is already over and I haven't really done anything...I have to say it was pretty boring and I was at home and did DIYs and stuff like was a bit annoying. You have to know that in this little village I have like 2 friends and it's really hard to get them to do something with you, because I have this feeling that the french teenagers really use their holidays for doing nothing...and I mean really nothing!
So the only thing I did was meeting up with the other exchange stundents from my region in Annecy, as I already told you :) We had really nice weather that day (Tuesday). We were about 5 so not much, and we talked about the last 1 and a half months and how we are like getting along with the language, the people, the schoolsystem and the families :)) There was also one guy, who is already 8 months here and he will be leaving soon, he comes from Australia and he could like say EVERYTHING in that got me a little motivation :))
So as I was pretty bored the whole week, I got of course again pretty creative and I found out that my hostmum has a sewing machine...pretty cool, because like this it's faster and more fun :))
The weather has been pretty day rain, next day sun and 25°C...
But on saturday we went to Chamonix. This is the small (well bigger than Reignier) Village on the foot of the Mont Blanc. We had awsome weather and so I could take some really nice Photos :)

The colours of the trees are just fabulous :)

So tonight I will sleep at a friends be creative ones more :P

And I hope to be posting the video tomorrow :*

A demain
xoxo, Klara

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