Sonntag, 29. September 2013

un mois en france :)

Bonjour mes amis,
so as you can already tell by the heading, I have survived my first month in france :) ...ok that sounded as if it was like a survival camp or so...well, sometimes :P
You know how they give frenchs kisses to everybody here?! So lately had to remember myself about which hand to use, when shaking hands in germany...that was awkward :P
I have to say that my head is still very confused with all these languages and he doesn't really know in which language to think... but my french has inproved alot :))
Last week I had an enormus conversation with my hostparents, after dinner. 1 freaking hour I talked :) We started with exchange things, so why I wanted to do this, why they chose me and things like that...with this they asked me if my family wants a hostkid next we came to the plans of my family for the next year....with this to my plans and the school I might be visiting after my stay here and of cours with this to the german school we landed in germany and of course came to the world war and the history of germany and france....chesus...that was sooo awsome :) After this I was like so happy that I had actually talked about all theses themes :PP ...but at school I still don't understand enough to keep up the classes :P
But...I have found a really nice group of friends, some more patient with me, some less...but that doesn't count..they are all really friendly with me...although they sometimes make fun of what I say, but I would do the same and I can also laugh about it :)
So at school, the teachers are starting to write tests and all that what am I doing? well for example in french: I sit there two hours (thats how long they had time) I read the text...well I look at the words and try to find out what they mean...mostly I don't find the meaning...and out of a one page text, I might be able to understand 1 to 2 sentences :P ...but I know that it doesn't count for me, how good I am in the tests :)
Tomorrow I have a test in Math and German...let's see how that'll end :)

So yesterday we drove to the parents of my hostmother, as I already told you, it was the birthday of her dad :) The family is just soooo nice and we had a really nice time there...and of course we ate alooooot...too much :P
Befor lunch we had some starters, onion-tart, salami and some other stuff. For lunch we had these steak-thingies, pepperoni, salat and some kind of kich. After this the wife brought of course a massive tray of cheese...I tried some...but I really don't like alot :P For dessert we ate fruit-salat and the birthday cake :))
Yes yes, that was not all...
for tee we had some chocolate cake and around 8 o'clock we had dinner :)
For dinner we had again some leftover steaks and a seefoodkich, for starter we had championg-soup :) of cours salat and after that again cheese and dessert :PP
It was waaaay too much, but it was a really nice day :) we had bad weather, but we still went outside for a little while :)


So quite a bit of information there for you :PP hope you like the photos :)

See you soon, and wish me luck for the tests tomorrow :P
xoxo, Klara

Dienstag, 24. September 2013

28,5°C :)))

Cou cou,
oh yes...the weather is still sooooooo nice :) Todays record was 28,5°C...the mornings are just freaking cold, 6° every morning I look in my clothet and I ask myself: "yay, freeze in the morning and be fine in the afternoon, or have a nice warm start in the day and sweat in the afternoon?!"
Today was "comme ci, comme ca", what the french people would say :P We had three lessons, one geographie and history and 2 sience economique et sociale (SES)... in geo and history we wrote a test and I had absolut no idea what to do. It was working with a map and making a legend for it. The map was given and the meanings to the symboles in the map, but you had to match the symboles with the explanations...and since they were in french, I just guessed everything :PP
And in SES  we wrote some really wierd things...I have noo idea..there were all these signes and stuff...dunno :P
After those three lessons we had 5 hours nothing... so I went shopping in Annemasse (where my school is) with a friend :) ...we also had lunch there :)) It was a really nice afternoon and we had quite alot of fun... I got some winterclothes :)
After the 5 hours nothing, we had dance, which was waaay better than last time :P

So on the weekend we will visite the grandparents, because it's the birhtday of the dad of my hostmother... I think they will also be really nice :)

A bientôt :)
xoxo, Klara

Samstag, 21. September 2013

Geneve :)

so my weekend has been really nice so far. Yesterday I skyped with my lovely Lotte and hat a little creative time :) This morning I played tennis. First with the boss of the tennis club, which was jsut awsome, I had alot of fun :)) and then with my tennis group another hour. I was dead afterwards, but good :)) After lunch, which was just jummy, we (Damien, Julie, a friend of Julie and I) drove to Geneva...a beautiful city and of course something for rich people :PP Looooots of shops and every 5th car which drove by was a Ferrari..
the weather was also really nice, not too cold and not too hot...just right for a perfect day :)

The shoppingmile :))
It looked stunning :)

And not too far away you could see the Mont Blanc, with snow *___*

Mittwoch, 18. September 2013


today I got a package from my grandparents, which was a really typical omi-opi-package...with this I mean loooooots of chocolate and sweets :) haha an who is not happy about chocolate?!

waaay too much...but my hostfamily likes it too :))

Oh and also, I wanted to let you know that the science or especially the physics here is soooo easy...we have the eye now and I mean I have learned this 3 years ago :P ...but now it's all in french and I can't really I will have to learn it all again :((

The weather here is getting bad now...only had a few hours of sunshine today. It rains alot. ;(

But I have found really nice friends now and I dancing is also really cool...they do all the choreos on their own...which I think is awsome :))

A dimanche
xoxo, Klara

Sonntag, 15. September 2013

My surrounding

it's just gonna be a short post today about my weekend :)
I went to tennis on saturday, as you know and it was really cool. We were a group of ten and we played on tow courts :)) at the end of the training lesson the trainer split us up in 2 groups. So now I will be playing every saturday from 11 to 12 am with 4 other girls. I am really happy to be doing this, because I just really feel like playing tennis again and I kind of found enthousiasme again :))
Today we made a little walk around the area and I finally took some photos...still not alot but like this you might be able to get at least a little impression of where I live now :P

If there were no clouds, you would be albe to see the Mont Blanc :)

Donnerstag, 12. September 2013

German in France

Cou cou,
I have to say it is really hard to not be able to keep up real conversation, though wanting to express yourself somehow. So I just mash up all the languages that I so far know and create my own, just so maybe they understand at least a tiny bit :) ..sometimes I just nod and smile :P
I have been getting waaay to kreativ in class. Since I don't understand a word I just sit there and amuse myself with this really funny paper they have. And all the stuff that I wirte down?... all hieroglyphics for me :P
You know that I am joining german klass here. So they learn all this stuff that I should be knowing about germany and the german language...but haha, the teacher wrote a sentance a student said on the whiteboard and then there was a mistake, so she asked where the mistake was. Everyone knew, well I knew too but then she wanted the explication for this...and the class was like: ahhh it's the genitiv! I was like: What the heck is the genitiv :PP yes I suck in german and now I have the verification for this!
..but it's getting better :) she gave us a worksheat today where they should guess which parties actually exist in germany:

 I'd love to have a chocolateparty :))
Ah...and also I wanted to tell you that the french people make the same mistake that the germans do with the age, just the other way they say "ich habe 16 jahre" (of course with their cute accent) and germans say "je suis 16 ans"(of course with their horrible accent) :PP

In french class I get extra excercises...pretty happy about that because now I don't have to learn all this stuff about les personnages realist...what ever this means :)) I tried to translate it with all sorts of tools...but I think none of them said the right thing, and if so, I still have know idea. 

So on saturday I will be playing tennis...really happy about that. I am going to be doing this now every saturday from 10 till 12 am :))

Some of you asked me to take some pictures...I will try to...but I feel kind of a bit awkward to be running around with my camera the whole time :))

See you soon
xoxo, Klara

Sonntag, 8. September 2013

First week is over ;)

my first week here is already over. haha can't believe it :)
I decorated my room with some fotos of my lovely friends and now I feel a bit more like home.
I did not get homesick and I found some friends at school...although I don't understand a word in class :) But I had my first German lesson on thursday. It was really fun...I'm sitting next to girl who speaks german really well and she is really interested in languages :) So now I kind of help her in lerning german and she helps me with understanding what the teachers say :))
French lesson is really hard. The teacher wrote a test in the first week...but since I don't understand a word, she gave some different task. I had to write down what sort of books I read...I had to think a loooong time...because I don't read :P and especially not in french!
But I know that I am only here for learning french and making experiences, so I won't make myself stress :)

So know I just came back from visiting the sister of Laurance (my hostmum) and her family. There are two kids and the dad speaks a little german...but actually really well :) And they have an amaaaazing house. It's all wooden but also kind of just reaally nice. And they where all really gentil and he kept on talking about german traditions and of course about beer :))
It was a really nice day...although it's raining the whole time...but I like it, it's kind of cosy :)
And since we talked about german traditions I will be cooking some german food for the if you guys have any tips or anything nice german that comes to your mind, please comment :))

xoxo, Klara

Mittwoch, 4. September 2013

My suuper language knowledge :P

Bonjour mes amis,
ok so this was the second schoolday, but kind of the first real one. We had math during the first lesson. You know I always thought that math would be the same in every language and alle around the world...but it actually isn't. They do the stuff that I can actually do, completly different...but since I haven't had math for around about 3 month, I completly forgot everything. So now I don't remember how to do it the german way and ofcourse I didn't understand the french way :P ...but I have soo less math (3 hours a week) that I don't really care :))
I was really happy and I kind of felt safe, when we had english...because the english teacher only speaks english in class, so it's the only subject, apart from german, where I am able to participate :P
And then we tow hours of geography and history...I again, didn't understand a word he said. It is sooo enormus fast. But the teacher is really nice, so I'm a bit less scared now :P
It kind of seems to me, that they don't have alot of subjects at I have only english, french, german, history&geography (which is in one lesson), math and this subject called economie et sociales...don't know what that is jet, I will find that out tomorrow :P

So when a teacher says something, I kind of understand this:
djlsjwkafpakdopkef...comme ca....ijpadjlaöeköajwk...oui...sijalsdjaisdjlefhsnelvsnv....le bac.....jflajflwejfjfpsjfe...le bac.....ajfjwlefjpojpsjfpef...votre bac....ifjlfjwefpwejfp!

And my brain works like this, at the moment:
I think toujour über tous sais pas warum...that est tres komisch!

xoxo, Klara

Dienstag, 3. September 2013

First schoolday :/

so today was my first day at school and it was all a bit confusing, because it is sooo much different to the german schools :P
The first day sort of starts really late for them. We went out of the house at 12:30 and picked up some friends of damien and around about 1 pm we were at the school. There we had to look at this plan where all the classes were written on and where, in which room, they have the first 2 lessons. It's strange because it seems like the classes change every new school year :) so all the students where kind of really loud and excited :PP
So then we waited there for another hour and 2 pm we went into our classes and right away to get our books...there was a little problem with my books because somehow no one seemed to know that I am attending this school :PP but it got solved out and now I have my books :) but since it took a bit of time to solve the problem, all my class memebers where already gone and so I came a bit late for the start...I hate it to come late and then everybody is staring at you and you don't even speak the I just came in said "Pardon" and sat down next to a pretty tall girl...but she and the two girls behind me were really nice and they helped me to understand at least the most important stuff :P one guy came up to me and was like "ahhh guten tag" sounds really sweet when french people talk german...I like it :)
yes so we sat there and listend to the teacher telling all this stuff about the upcoming year and she kept on talking about the bac (the final exams in france)...but I didn't nuderstand a word she was sooooo fast :PP
Then she also gave us alooot of papers which our parents have to sign and we also got our timetable...emploi du temps :P The schoolday in france is sooo long. On average I am at school from 8 am until 4 pm...the longest day is tuesday, I have to stay in school until 5:30 pm :(( ...but I think like this I wont get bored :P I am also learning german in french...pretty much the only subject, appart from english, where I will be able to say something :PP
So this was the first day at a french school...lets see what tomorrow will bring...the first subject is maths :(( I hate it...but at least maths is the same in every language :PP

At the moment my brain s really confused. It doesn't really know it which language to think, so it just mixes english and german, with a little bit of french :PP really weird and completly exhausting :D

xoxo, Klara

Montag, 2. September 2013

3. day in Reignier

Cou cou,
now I have been here for 3 days and I still understand only half of what they say :PP but my family is very nice and they are very patiente with me :)) that makes it alot easier for me.
Yesterday I called my mum, just to say everthing is alright and I don't know why, but afterwards I felt a bit was a bit I will try to not have too much kontakt with her, so it's easier for me to not get homesick, because that feeling is just horrible.
But today I could sleep in one more time, because tomorrow school is starting and I am like sooooo excited and also a bit scared...I really don't understand much :P
After lunch I went to play tennis with Damien (hostbrother) and it was pretty cool, just waaay too hot....but we played easy so it was ok :)
And around 4 o'clock we went to visit my is pretty big, well 1000 students...but it was nice to see it befor I have to go there tomorrow :P We got this card so I can have lunch there and did some formal stuff...I will be in class Premier ESC1 (if I understood that right :P). It is really difficult, the schoolsystem over here :P but I will get to know it tomorrow :) and I will be learning german in french, which is really funny :))
So thats all for today, I will be reporting about the first day at my knew school tomorrow :)

A demain
xoxo, Klara