Donnerstag, 12. September 2013

German in France

Cou cou,
I have to say it is really hard to not be able to keep up real conversation, though wanting to express yourself somehow. So I just mash up all the languages that I so far know and create my own, just so maybe they understand at least a tiny bit :) ..sometimes I just nod and smile :P
I have been getting waaay to kreativ in class. Since I don't understand a word I just sit there and amuse myself with this really funny paper they have. And all the stuff that I wirte down?... all hieroglyphics for me :P
You know that I am joining german klass here. So they learn all this stuff that I should be knowing about germany and the german language...but haha, the teacher wrote a sentance a student said on the whiteboard and then there was a mistake, so she asked where the mistake was. Everyone knew, well I knew too but then she wanted the explication for this...and the class was like: ahhh it's the genitiv! I was like: What the heck is the genitiv :PP yes I suck in german and now I have the verification for this!
..but it's getting better :) she gave us a worksheat today where they should guess which parties actually exist in germany:

 I'd love to have a chocolateparty :))
Ah...and also I wanted to tell you that the french people make the same mistake that the germans do with the age, just the other way they say "ich habe 16 jahre" (of course with their cute accent) and germans say "je suis 16 ans"(of course with their horrible accent) :PP

In french class I get extra excercises...pretty happy about that because now I don't have to learn all this stuff about les personnages realist...what ever this means :)) I tried to translate it with all sorts of tools...but I think none of them said the right thing, and if so, I still have know idea. 

So on saturday I will be playing tennis...really happy about that. I am going to be doing this now every saturday from 10 till 12 am :))

Some of you asked me to take some pictures...I will try to...but I feel kind of a bit awkward to be running around with my camera the whole time :))

See you soon
xoxo, Klara

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