Dienstag, 3. September 2013

First schoolday :/

so today was my first day at school and it was all a bit confusing, because it is sooo much different to the german schools :P
The first day sort of starts really late for them. We went out of the house at 12:30 and picked up some friends of damien and around about 1 pm we were at the school. There we had to look at this plan where all the classes were written on and where, in which room, they have the first 2 lessons. It's strange because it seems like the classes change every new school year :) so all the students where kind of really loud and excited :PP
So then we waited there for another hour and 2 pm we went into our classes and right away to get our books...there was a little problem with my books because somehow no one seemed to know that I am attending this school :PP but it got solved out and now I have my books :) but since it took a bit of time to solve the problem, all my class memebers where already gone and so I came a bit late for the start...I hate it to come late and then everybody is staring at you and you don't even speak the language...so I just came in said "Pardon" and sat down next to a pretty tall girl...but she and the two girls behind me were really nice and they helped me to understand at least the most important stuff :P one guy came up to me and was like "ahhh guten tag"...it sounds really sweet when french people talk german...I like it :)
yes so we sat there and listend to the teacher telling all this stuff about the upcoming year and she kept on talking about the bac (the final exams in france)...but I didn't nuderstand a word she said...it was sooooo fast :PP
Then she also gave us alooot of papers which our parents have to sign and we also got our timetable...emploi du temps :P The schoolday in france is sooo long. On average I am at school from 8 am until 4 pm...the longest day is tuesday, I have to stay in school until 5:30 pm :(( ...but I think like this I wont get bored :P I am also learning german in french...pretty much the only subject, appart from english, where I will be able to say something :PP
So this was the first day at a french school...lets see what tomorrow will bring...the first subject is maths :(( I hate it...but at least maths is the same in every language :PP

At the moment my brain s really confused. It doesn't really know it which language to think, so it just mixes english and german, with a little bit of french :PP really weird and completly exhausting :D

xoxo, Klara

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